Monday, October 13, 2008

The Land of Milk and Honey

I think Texas is one of the greatest places on the face of this green earth. More importantly, I believe this to be most assuredly true about the great city of Waco. Waco is in fact located in the Heart of Texas, and as the heart, Waco is one of Texas' most vital organs. And it only makes sense that Texans are viewed as being overly prideful, or ethnocentric. Judge not, for it is not the Texan's fault, we just happen to be enlightened by the truth of Texas' greatness. And enlightened we should be. To quote the ever-so-famous bumper sticker, which has adorned a multitude of pickup-trucks, Suburbans, Tahoes, Jeeps, horse's rear-ends and just about any other form of transportation dreamt of by humans, "Southern by Birth, Texan by the Grace of God." (Nothing short of bumper-sticker-profundity!) Another bumper sticker that particularly illustrates the draw Texas can have upon the human heart reads, "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could." What, the reader might ask, is so 'profound' about these particular bumper sticker statements? The significance lies in the truth found in the subtext. I think it is sufficient to say that a divine light of blessing has shed it's beautiful beam upon The Republic of Texas. Perfectly summarized in the words Little Texas, it's  "Cause God blessed Texas with his own hand."

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