Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Waco Social Media Breakfast

I woke up bright and early this morning, well actually it was more like dark, stormy and early, but nonetheless I was up and at 'em because I was going to the fine Bar-B-Q establishment called Rudy's (I know, it's not local, but it wasn't my decision) for the first ever Waco Social Media Breakfast. Around 7:15 AM I was getting in my 1972 Jeep CJ5, which only has a bikini top (a.k.a. no sides or doors to protect the driver (me) from the elements (this morning). As soon as I was pulling out of my drive way, in the Cameron Park Residential area, the rain began to fall. It wasn't too bad at first, after all I had my handy-dandy Arc'teryx waterproof mountaineering jacket enclosing me in its bombproof construction, which is totally capable of withstanding the harshest attacks Momma Nature throws my way. Three minutes later there were gale force crosswinds bringing down epic amounts of water (I couldn't help thinking that my Jeep was the modern day Ark for the modern day Noah, sans the boatload of animals) of which I was unable to personally dodge. By the time I arrived at Rudy's I was soaked to the bone from the waist down, however, my jacket held true and did not falter. 

Okay, enough about my journey for now, I need to get to the heart of this post, which is the first Waco Social Media Breakfast. The turn out was a little smaller than expected, of which I am sure the weather had some kind of contribution, but the small crowd was good, bright, eager to learn and kind. The Waco SMB was hosted by Jay Ehret and our special guest was Bryan Person, the founder of the very first ever Social Media Breakfast. We discussed what the heck social networking media is, and what it is used for. The most laymen definition Bryan recited was, "Communicating online." The purpose behind Social Media Marketing for your company is to get the message out to potential customers, it enables you to tell your story in your own words and on your terms without the communicative filter of the media. Social media serves to show all of the personality you have, both as a company and a person, but must demonstrate authenticity in your message, because the consumer can smell a salesman from a mile away. You will draw people to you and your company through genuine connections, even though they are via the web, and the potential customer will see that you are a competent and confident expert within your profession. It's worth the time folks and it's time.

-Shift Gears